We are pleased to announce that 4Children are continuing in their role as the DfE’s strategic partner for early years as part of the new Children’s Partnership.
Following on from the success of our previous events the Department for Education's Early Years and Childcare's strategic partnership is running a further round of Learn, Explore, Debate Events across England.
The events will offer an update on policy around Early Years and will focus on:
• Early Years and Childcare Policy overview
• The Early Years Pupil Premium
• An update by a representative from Ofsted
• Updates on specific streams of work:
- Assessment within the EYFS
- Sector led improvement
- Role of parents within the EYFS
- Department of Health policies
These events are aimed at organisations, local authorities, leaders and managers of all schools and settings and all involved in early years . The sessions will give the opportunity for learning and sharing together as well as giving the latest information in relation to the early years and childcare.
Whilst we welcome and encourage multiple booking from the same team, organisation or authority, due to previous demand we have set a maximum of 5 places per organization. This helps ensure all organisations have an equal opportunity to attend.
Please note lunch will not be provided at these events.