Established in 1983 (when we were known as The National Out of School Alliance), 4Children set sights high for children, young people and families. We believe that every child should have the chance to achieve their full potential and that every parent should be supported to build a better future for their family.
30 Years of 4Children!
In 2013, we commemorated our 30th year with a range of activities that provide new insight into how family life has changed over the last 30 years. We considered what a family’s defining features are now and how family life is likely to change over the next 30 years. Keep an eye out for our 30 Years Manifesto, which is due to be released in January 2014.

What we’ve achieved:
1983 The National Out of School Alliance was formed to shine a spotlight on the need for more help for families and so called ‘latchkey children
1992 As the Kids Club Network, we expanded the number of out of school services in England to 3,000
1997 We secured Government support to create 7,000 more out of school childcare schemes by 2002
2000 The launch of a major national inquiry into childcare - The Millennium Childcare Commission. Chaired by Harriet Harman MP
2001 The Childcare Commission report called for 10,000 children’s centres for 0 – 19s
2004 The charity was renamed as 4Children and launched with a new ambitious manifesto for children, families and communities
2005 4Children’s first Children’s Centre, the Carousel Centre in Essex, was launched
2007 The launch of The Youth Review, a major national inquiry into support for young people. Chaired by Baroness Oona King. 16,000 teenagers said they wanted modern youth facilities - paving the way for the Government’s MyPlace initiative
2008 4Children runs 40 nurseries and out of school childcare schemes
2009 Launch of the Family Commission inquiry into the needs of families. Chaired by Esther Rantzen, CBE
2010 4Children’s youth partnership with the RAF – Airplay runs on all 25 RAF bases, providing great activities and support
2011 After talking to 10,000 families throughout the country, the Family Commission calls for a new approach to supporting families that put families first
2011 The launch of Give Me Strength campaign to prevent family crisis including national reports on post natal depression, family violence and alcohol and drug abuse
2012 4Children argues for early intervention and prevention to identify problems and find solutions
2012 The charity spearheads the creation of the new, independent Early Intervention Foundation
2012 The new 4Children family turnaround programmes are launched
2013 The 90th Children’s Centre opens
2013 30 Years of 4Children
2014 4Children launches Making Britain Great for Children and Families setting out a bold manifesto for the next 30 years